Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Batman and Robin #13 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

I actually read this issue before "Batman" #13 and realized that I should've read that issue first.  When I re-read it, I realized how essential it is to the main plot.  Most importantly, we see Bruce teach Damian how to do something "in case anything ever happens to me."  Suddenly, you realize that Batman thinks that this conflict with Joker might be his last one.  Snyder hinted in "Batman" #13 at the fear that Bruce felt when he began to realize how different -- angrier, meaner -- Joker was this time.  But, now, we realize just how afraid he is.  It's chilling.  Speaking of chilling, we also see Damian arrive home after Alfred has been attacked without realizing that it happened.  I didn't think anything of it the first time I read this issue, but suddenly the large bone that Titus has in his mouth takes on all new -- and potentially horrifying -- meaning.


  1. :| I did read Batman 13 first, and I caught tat Alfred wasn't home when Damian got home but I didn't even think about the bone Titus had. I like that you mentioned that Bruce was teaching Damian a bit of a contingency plan, which is a great catch that Bruce is realizing that this is a more... unpredictable Joker, if that's even possible. It's like the Joker is amped up to ten and he's been at level six most of the time or something.

  2. I hadn't noticed it the first time I read it, but the second time, I just remember thinking, "Wow, TItus has a really big bone in his mouth...OMG, it's Alfred's femur!" I'm pretty sure that it's not, but, given that Snyder has established that anything goes with this new Joker, it still shook me up a bit.
