Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Detective Comics #10 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

I know that I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but, once again, Daniel starts well and ends terribly.

I'm not even sure where to start.  First, I have no idea why "Mr. Toxic" would have his henchmen dress as Batman.  It seems like a particularly bad idea, since you're pretty much poking a stick in the eye of a guy with a decent likelihood of shutting down your operation in the first place.  It seems like the type of thing Joker or Two-Face might do, but not a nobody like "Mr. Toxic."  Second, I'm also not sure why someone like "Mr. Toxic" would inspire such devotion in his henchmen that they'd be willing to kill themselves for him.  Finally, I'm particularly confused how a company could've built a LARGE HADRON COLLIDER IN WAYNE TOWER WITHOUT BATMAN KNOWING.  I mean, seriously?  Plus, why hide it from Bruce Wayne?  The guy who built it apparently told him that he was working on a cancer drug.  If he wasn't, why tell Wayne Enterprises that he was?  Daniel has enough time to answer all these questions, but I remain skeptical that he will.

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