Monday, November 12, 2012

Earth 2 #6 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Robinson delivers his best issue here, keeping me guessing the whole way.

First, the resolution to the fight with Grundy and the Grey was great.  Maybe I've just read too many comics lately where the final confrontation involves three or four punches over the course of five or six panels, but Robinson really delivers a great twist here.  I loved GL realizing that depositing Grundy on the Moon denied him the ability to draw energy from his surrounding, stranding both him and the Grey somewhere they can't be a threat.  It's an innovative resolution that not only shows how smart and capable Alan is but also gives us some more insight into his powers, as we learn that his powers are connected to his proximity to Earth.  But, Robinson makes sure that the fight isn't just a GL showcase, giving us some insight into Flash as he fights his fears while protecting Alan's body and showing Hawkgirl really delivering at a key moment.  It really shows their strength as a team...

...making it all the more surprising when they don't form one in the end.  I loved Robinson deciding that Alan would conclude that he doesn't need Flash and Hawkgirl, drunk with the power that he now realizes that he possesses.  I had half-expected everyone to hug at the end of this issue, with Al deciding to ditch the World Army and join the other Wonders.  But, Robinson keeps us guessing, leaving Flash and Hawkgirl wondering where they go next and Atom possibly in hot pursuit.  I can't wait to see where we go from here!

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