Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cable and the X-Force #1 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

OK, so, other than reading the "Messiah Complex" and "Second Coming" cross-over events, I haven't really followed Cable since the New Mutants left X-Force in 1997, according to Wikipedia.  As such, I'm not really all that familiar with developments concerning his character except for ambient knowledge gleaned from reading comic-book blogs.  For example, I know that he tried to kill the Avengers in "X-Sanction" (something Hopeless mentions in this issue), but I'm not entirely sure why.  But, Hopeless does a pretty good job of downplaying the importance of understanding that 16 years of history that I missed and just making sure that I understand what I need to know about his new status quo:  the techno-organic virus is expunged, the right eye is gone, the left arm is withered, and the powerful telekinesis has returned.  Done.  I mean, he might fill in the rest at some point, but he does a good job of showing that you don't need it all right now.

Instead, Hopeless spends most of his time laying the foundation for why we get the scene that starts this issue, namely X-Force attacking the Avengers after apparently having killed a bunch of guards.  Some time earlier, we see Cable working with Forge to build a device to compensate for his arm (and potentially his eye) and with Dr. Nemesis to address the headaches that he's suffering as a result of the return of his telekinesis.  It makes sense.  It also makes sense that Domino would still be in touch with him.  Hopeless does possibly the most interesting stuff with Hope here, showing how she learned the lessons that Cable taught her well, since she, too, knows that Domino would be in touch with him and, as such, has been keeping tabs on her to find him.  So far, the gang is all here, except for Colossus, who I'm assuming appears next issue.  With the introductions made, the only real question now is what happens to get them branded as outlaws.  Marvel has advertised issue #3 as containing the big reveal, so we'll see what it is.  Whether I continue getting this series is going to depend really on the team's mission.  If they're just on the run from various authorities, such as the Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D., due to some sort of miscommunication, then I think that it's going to get dull pretty quickly.  But, if they're fighting some larger battle and appear as bad guys as a result, then I'm definitely on board.  I guess we'll see.

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