Thursday, February 21, 2013

Avenging Spider-Man #16 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Chris Yost continues to do the best job, to my mind, of giving us a realistic (relatively) portrayal of Dr. Octopus as Spider-Man.  Whereas "Amazing Spider-Man" #700 gave us an unbelievably heroic Doc Ock and "Superior Spider-Man" #1 gave us a troublingly villainous one, Yost strikes more of a balance here.  He gives us a Dr. Octopus committed to being a better Spider-Man than Peter was, but one who still expresses frustration with the indignities that he cannot believe that Peter endured.  One of those indignities that Otto refuses to accept comes when he decks Wolverine for presuming to touch him, a hit that I really relished watching due to my general dislike of Wolverine, particularly given recent attempts by Marvel to elevate him to the same leadership status as Captain America.  Here, we see exactly why he's not Captain America.  But, possibly more importantly, Yost uses this moment to have Logan do the math that Mary Jane apparently is incapable of doing and presents the first instance of someone wondering if Peter is who he says that he is.  In so doing, he also introduces the obvious conundrum (for Otto) of telepathy, something that Ock immediately recognizes as a threat and cleverly avoids by using the Parker charm.  Finally, the revelation that the spider girl was created by the Jackal raises a question that hadn't previously dawned on me, namely whether it'll be a villain who figures out Doc Ock is Spider-Man, not a hero.  The Jackal is a pretty savvy guy and if he manages to realize that he's not dealing with Peter as easily as Logan was, it could be all sorts of bad.  All these twists and turns so far are much more interesting (and less gimmicky) than anything happening in the main title, so I have to thank Yost for saving the concept to the extent that anyone could for me.

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