Friday, February 22, 2013


Bunn does a good job of showing how crowded things are in Flash right now, given that he's fighting for control with a demon and symbiote.  I rolled my eyes at first at the idea that the demon had taken over Flash, but Bunn really has it serve a purpose here, giving it the role of Emma Frost showing Iceman that he could do more than he thought that he could.  I mean, controlling lackeys via the symbiote's tentacles?  Pretty cool.  Bunn also shows Flash's profound loneliness, evident in the fact that he's taken to talking to symbiote-created dummies of Katy and Valkyrie (who act and appear disturbingly similar).  Flash specifically makes the point that neither woman stayed much longer than it took to clean up the mess that the U-Foes left, but, at some point, Bunn is going to have to create a stable supporting cast for Flash.  Books like "Captain Marvel" and "Hawkeye" excel in no small part because DeConnick and Fraction have done a great job building up the support network around each hero, making you feel a stronger connection to them (and proving the impetus to interesting stories).  I get that Flash is a loner, but he's going to need a Frenchie or a Microchip:  someone who helps him tactically and, to a lesser extent, emotionally.  But, I'm still pretty happy with this series' new direction and can't wait to meet the new Toxin!

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