Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wolverine and the X-Men #24 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Of the three couples that Aaron shows us in this issue, only one really fully worked for me.  From worst to best:

I don't understand why Aaron decides to rewrite history and put Logan and Storm together.  Storm implies here that she and Logan had previously had sex in the Danger Room at some point, so Aaron is portraying their kiss in this issue as part of a long-standing attraction, not a one-off moment.  Moreover, their interaction is awkward at best.  Storm has Logan cut her hair into a mohawk?  Really?  She can't just go to the salon?  Odd.

I like Bobby and Kitty as a couple, but I just don't understand what Aaron does with them here.  Why can't they just have a normal dinner?  OK, they were probably a little unrealistic about thinking that they weren't going to talk about the School, but did that really necessitate them apparently going to the Middle East somehow to hand kids ice?  I just don't get it.  Plus, Bobby is generally portrayed as a fairly handsome guy, but Lopez does truly bizarre things to his face here.  He often looks manic and like he's suffering from some sort of eyeball disorder.

I have to say that I (somewhat surprisingly) most enjoyed Jean Grey and Kid Omega.  I pretty much can't stand Quentin Quire, but he's actually funny, if not charming, here.  Aaron makes you understand why Jean is attracted (if not physically but at least emotionally) to the irreverent rebel given that she's already feeling like everyone is treating her as a museum exhibit come to life.

I guess the best thing I can say here is that at least we only get one page of the Kiddie Hellfire Club.  The fact that I can't say anything much better makes me continue to wonder why I'm getting this title.


  1. Good lord, the kiddie Hellfire Club is STILL hanging around?!? UGH!!! That was the main reason I dropped this series to begin with(well, that plus the fact that none of the students really seemed relatable/likable to me)... I was curious to see what was going on in this series with Marvel Now!, but I guess I won't bother adding this one any time soon...

  2. Dude, they are in EVERY FREAKING ISSUE. Seriously, I'm pretty sure not a single issue has not featured them.

    I just don't know how I feel about this title. I was basically getting it because it was the only place you really saw the teachers at the School. But, with All-New X-Men, I think this one might be on the block, all with "A+X" and the Hickman Avengers titles. With "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Nova" coming online, the budget is getting tight.

    1. So basically the title should be, "Wolverine and the X-Men. AND the Kiddie Hellfire Club!" I enjoyed Aaron on Wolverine and think he's doing phenomenal on Thor, but I think I'll continue skipping this series.

      Guardians #0.1 comes out this Wednesday! I am SO hoping we get the good Bendis for that series. You can do it, Bendis! I believe in you(for now...)!
