Sunday, March 31, 2013

Superior Spider-Man #6 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

I know that I said that I was dropping this title, but I decided that I wanted to get "Superior Spider-Man" #6AU and the collector in me wouldn't let me skip issue #6.  So, here I am.  Unfortunately, I can't say that anything here really changed my mind about this title.

On one hand, I have to say I did enjoy Screwball and Jester.  The problem is that I enjoyed them so much that I found myself wishing that they were facing Peter, not Otto.  It's the sort of story that we could've seen in "Marvel Team-Up," where Spidey and Johnny trade them quip for quip.  Slott shows a real sense of humor while writing them and the mind boggles in considering the sort of stuff that he could've done with a equally playful Peter.  But, instead, it becomes an outlet for the psychological trama that Otto suffered as a bullied child and he beats them to a pulp.  OK, sure, Slott make an interesting point along the way about how the Internet has made us all into a bunch of gutless voyeurs, but I feel like that point is lost by the excessive brutality that Otto displays here.

I also just continue to be baffled by other characters' reactions.  First, I still don't understand why JJJ, Jr. embraces Spidey now that he seems to be proving to be the public menace that JJJ, Jr. has made him into being all these years.  I mean, are we really not arresting him for murdering Massacre?  It's pretty clear that he had him defeated and didn't need to kill him.  Doesn't he at least go to trial?  As I mentioned in my review of "Cable and X-Force"# 6, I find that the Marvel Universe has gotten excessively legalistic lately, so it's weird that this phenomenon doesn't transfer here.  I mean, Cap does have a point.  Sure, Logan notes that everyone at that table has blood on their hands, but it's a little different when Spidey is on camera bashing and killing people.  Logan concedes as much at the end, but doing so actually hurts his argument, since it makes you wonder why he and all the other "spies, soldiers, and killers" around the Avengers table aren't also getting called to account in this new legalistic world.  After all, everyone wants Cyclops in prison for killing Professor X.  Do you just go to prison if you kill a good guy?

Ugh.  Anyway, this title stays off the list after "Age of Ultron."  It's all just too painful to watch the train wreck that it's becoming.

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