Monday, April 29, 2013



My first problem with this issue is that Loeb relies on a pretty formulaic approach to Sam as he adjust to his newly discovered powers.  "I just went to the Moon!"  "I think I'm missing a math test!"  On some level, it's a necessary step, Sam adjusting to his new circumstances and wondering how they're going to complicate his daily life.  But, Loeb doesn't really put too much effort into doing anything unique with this story, giving us the same "teenager gains powers" story that we've all read a hundred times since "Amazing Fantasy" #15.

I could live with that, seeing it as a temporary bump in the road as we start to gather speed, but I can't say that I'm thrilled with other parts.  We still don't know how Sam's father became a member of the Nova Corps and why no one seemed to be aware that he had been one (since everyone thought that Richard Rider was the first human Nova).  We also don't know why he wasn't called to help the Nova Corps when it was destroyed (the first time), though I assume we're going to discover that he was off-line or something.  In fact, we still don't know what happened to him or why he was suddenly called when he was, though Rocket Raccoon acknowledging that whatever happened to him was his fault makes you think that he'd be a little less hard on the kid.  Finally, we don't seem to be getting to the point where we eventually need to be, namely, "Marvel Point One" #1, when Sam warns everyone about the coming of the Phoenix Force.  Instead, we spend time sending Sam against the Chitauri, which seems like an unnecessary movie distraction given that "Avengers 2" doesn't hit theaters until 2015.

Essentially, I could deal with weak characterization or a weak plot, but we seem to be getting both here.  Fingers crossed that Loeb is able to move past this awkward phase and start telling some better stories.

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