Thursday, April 4, 2013

Wolverine and the X-Men #27 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Blech.  I'm not entirely sure what Aaron meant to happen here.  After last issue, he wants us to empathize with Dog, given the abuse and misfortune that he's suffered.  But, here, Dog's pretty much the butt of the joke when he fails in his task of training the students to fight better than Wolverine could.  Plus, I'm still confused that Dog chose teaching as the arena where he would challenge Logan.  After all, I don't think Logan himself puts a lot of stock in his teaching ability, so it doesn't seem like it would emasculate him if Dog proved to be a better teacher than he is.  Is it all leading to Dog being put on the faculty or something?  Again, I can't tell if we're supposed to be viewing Dog as looking for redemption of some sort or looking for revenge.  I'll be glad when this arc is over.

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