Tuesday, April 30, 2013

X-Factor #254 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Although I can't say that it's my favorite issue of "X-Factor," David does a good job here in focusing more on the characters and less on the Hell on Earth War.  He reminds us that Tier is just a scared kid by having him confess to Rahne that he doesn't want to be forced to kill the Hell Lords.  He also reminds us that X-Factor is the good guys by having them agree to help Tier find another way to end the war.  OK, Lorna isn't too thrilled with that plan, but, honesty, you can't really blame her, given that she suddenly finds herself in a leadership role that she didn't ask to have (and a war between Hell Lords that she has to stop).  I still can't say that I'm really digging this arc, but at least this issue showed us some of the group dynamics (and internal fighting) that makes this series what it is.

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