Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Man, I'm glad that I stopped subscribing to this title.  Although Wood has some OK moments here (like the implication that the team remains adjectiveless due to the ongoing dispute between Rachel and Storm), this issue was hard to follow, like Wood's other work on this title.  We never learn why Ana Cortes would want to upload the Lady Deathstrike persona; at first, I thought that it was to assert control over her deceased father's company, but she specifically rules out that possibility.  Moreover, we're never told why Lady Deathsrike is bodyless.  Sure, the use of nanites to transform Ana's body into Lady Deathstrike's is pretty damn cool.  But, without any sense of Ana's motivations or explanation of Yuriko's bodylessness, you spend most of the issue scratching your head why their union is necessary.  That sense of confusion is further deepened by the idea that Lady Deathstrike really thought that she could invade the Jean Grey School with a bunch of hired goons, particularly when she wasn't fully in control of her abilities.  Our time is done, X-Ladies.

** (two of five stars)

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