Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Secret Avengers #11 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

For a tie-in issue related to a cross-over event that I find remarkably boring, I have to say that I really enjoyed this story.  Garza's shock at the assassination of the crazed Inhuman gave us some real insight into a civilian's view of the ethical implications of the battles that superheroes fight on a daily basis.  It leads to the rare moment of someone getting super-powers, but deciding that they don't want to play God.  Garza isn't necessarily bothered by the powers themselves, but more the decisions that come with them.  I liked how Brisson didn't play up the outrage card:  Garza doesn't judge Fury for killing the Inhuman.  She acknowledges the complicated factors involved in him making that decision; she just knows that she doesn't want to make them.  The fact that Maria Hill essentially throws her into prison as a result is pretty much all you need to know about Maria Hill.

*** (three of five stars)

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