Saturday, February 22, 2014

Secret Avengers #14 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Ugh.  I was really hoping Spencer didn't go this route.  Mockingbird has already spent most of her history as some sort of suspect personality, from her time under the influence of the Phantom Rider in "West Coast Avengers" to the revelation that she was one of the heroes replaced by a Skrull in "Secret Invasion."  Now, we suddenly learn that her entire heroic personna was a "fake identity," whereas the "real" Bobbi Morse was an agent of the Entropy Cult.  I mean, the Entropy Cult is just too ridiculous to be taken seriously.  They believe in..."entropy?"  Really?  I'm not sure what that even means.  They're dedicating their life to chaos?  Isn't that just life?  (Maybe that's just my life.)  Finally, if Belova's plan was to kill Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Nick Fury, why bring them to A.I.M. Island to do it?  Why not just kill them in the field, exactly so that they couldn't engage in their tricky trickery and escape exactly where Mockingbird happened to be?  If Bobbi wins control of herself inspired by her love of Hawkeye, I'm going to be very, very angry.

* (one of five stars)

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