Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wolverine and the X-Men #39 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Man, Aaron really can pull the heartstrings when he puts his mind to it.

It's hard to think of a more sympathetic character than Joseph, one of the Brickelmoore twins.  We discover that he's an orphan that either S.H.I.E.L.D. or Mystique is using in its/her war against the X-Men.  Joseph and his sister, Squidgirl, clearly didn't have the type of childhood where you get to play with kids your own age, let alone with jetpacks.  He embraces the School, but his sister reminds them that they're only there to complete their mission and avoid getting returned to the orphanage.  (If S.H.I.E.L.D. really is behind their mission and not Mystique, it raises all sorts of questions about the type of organization that would use the possibility of returning orphans to an orphanage to coerce them into service.)  Aaron leaves it unclear if Squidgirl is acting on her own in deciding to take on the School or if S.H.I.E.L.D./Mystique gave her the secondary mission to take it down if their primary mission, reconnaissance, revealed how dangerous it was.  I guess we'll find out an answer at some point.

However, Joseph isn't the only one with his vulnerabilities on display.  The whole point of his and Squidgirl's under-cover assignment is to find out the students' weaknesses.  The most devastating is the revelation that Broo isn't as recovered as we thought, as we see him contemplating the body of a deer that he's killed.  It makes me wonder, yet again, how Squidgirl can discover that reality within a few days but none of the teachers responsible for him are aware of it.

*** (three of five stars)

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