Saturday, March 29, 2014

Hawkeye #15, appearing after Hawekye #16 because the book is SPECIAL (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

All right, here's where I think we are.  It seems like the Clown killed Grills not because he was in love with Kate and thought that Clint was, too, but because he wanted to scare Clint into selling the building, given that his building is the last one in a three-block radius that isn't owned by a company planning on building a luxury development in the area.  I'm not entirely sure why the nice lady in the building is cooperating with the Clown and the bros, but I'm guessing now that she's getting paid to help.  (It's sort of like that Ben Stiller movie, "Duplex.")  I'm also not sure how the Clown went from whoever he was in that issue that explored his origins to a crooked accountant, but here we are, I guess.  Also, Clint apparently owns the building.  Oh, plus, it appears that Barney and Clint are dead.  Honestly?  I'm just not sure what we're doing here anymore.

** (two of five stars)

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