Sunday, March 30, 2014

Secret Avengers #16 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

I get the feeling that editorial interference at some point got in the way of the story that Spencer was telling.  Maybe it was the need to wrap up everything in time for yet another #1 issue?  Who knows.  At the end of the day, this issue doesn't manage to tie up the loose ends that it needed to address to leave me feeling satisfied.

First, Spencer and Kot leave a lot on the table when it comes to A.I.M.  We never really get any final insight into Dr. Forson or his motivations.  Was he just an agent of the Entropy Cult?  What was his goal for A.I.M.?  Was he somehow maneuvering the situation the entire time simply to deliver Mockingbird back to him?  Although we learn that someone basically engineered Forson's loss of control over A.I.M., it's left unclear how or why.  Was it one (or several) of the Ministers, since they went M.I.A. when Forson needed them?  Or was it S.H.I.E.L.D. using information gleaned from the A.I.M. spies to shut down A.I.M.?  I also found it hard to follow the somewhat bizarre Mentallo segment, since it's not like we've really gotten that great of an insight into him in the first place.  Why decide to transfer your consciousness into nanobots that you then send into the sea?  Was it a sort of suicide?  If so, what motivated that?

Second, I'm still not sure what we're supposed to believe when it comes to Bobbi.  Who was the Barbara personality?  Who was the real one?  How does she get in touch with Bucky and Daisy?  Was she Daisy's mole?  If so, did everything happen the way that Daisy wanted it?  What happens next?  Spencer and Kot almost leave you thinking that the next season, if you will, of "Secret Avengers" will be about this trio and not the usual suspects.  If not, then where will they go?

As you can see, we've got way too many questions here to feel happy.  I'm going to try to put aside those questions and enjoy the new series, but they still leave me disappointed in this one.

** (two of five stars)

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