Friday, April 11, 2014

Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #9 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Shinick launches the first salvo of the Green Goblin's war with Spider-Man in this issue, revealing that the Goblin has not only turned all of Otto's troops against him but also used a mole to steal the various equipment that he's confiscated from criminals since he took over the role of Spider-Man.

I'll admit that it's something of a surprise that the Spider Patrol has turned against Otto, particularly since Shinick makes it seem like the Spider-Patrol has always been on the Goblin's side.  I can't say that I totally buy that, unless Otto used some sort of "Mercenaries 4 Hire" staffing agency that the Goblin secretly ran.  Also, why would the Goblin use the Spider-Patrol against Spidey anyway?  Wouldn't he want to kill him himself?  Is he just assuming that Peter will survive the onslaught?

It also seems a little convenient that Otto discovered the scheme just in time to stop the mole from swiping the equipment and just as he happened to be with Daredevil and the Punisher

That said, it was still an entertaining issue.  Shinick has a great ear for dialogue, and I essentially "heard" the trio's conversations as they happened throughout the issue.  Also, Shinick uses Daredevil wisely; the Goblin tells Phil that he couldn't speak to the mole over their communications system because Daredevil would recognize his voice, making it clear that we're dealing with someone that we all know.  Curioser and curioser.

I will say that I was confused by the reference to Sun Girl waltzing through Spider-Island in issue #6.  I thought Otto invited Sun Girl to Spider-Island to help upgrade her equipment?  This comment makes me feel like issues #6 and #7 somehow were part of a much larger story that got cut (like we're missing issues #6.25, #6.5, and #6.75).  Given how long Yost spent building up the Superior Six story, this comment just reminded me how unfortunate it was that its resolution was such a mess.

*** (three of five stars)

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