Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New Warriors #4 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

With the team now fully assembled, Yost does a great job establishing the team dynamics, particularly focusing on characters who we haven't previously seen interact.  I really enjoyed the juxtaposition of Justice and Kaine as team leaders.  Yost makes it clear that they're both world-weary warriors (heh), though Justice obviously brings a bit more positive energy to the role than Kaine does.  (I loved their almost monosyllabic discussion over whether Haechi was on their side.)  They're just two guys trying to get the job done.

Of course, Vance defines the "job" more expansively than Kaine does.  I loved most of the Warriors refusing Vance's offer of assembling a team to continue fighting the High Evolutionary and the Evolutionaries.  As I've said since the start, Yost is going to have to sell us on the reason why Vance and Robbie had to get the band back together again.  Although fighting one group of villains is a pretty limited reason, it'll keep us going for a while.

Yost makes it clear in this issue that we're not getting answers to the High Evolutionary and Evolutionaries' sudden pro-human conversions any time soon.  In this issue, we just see a mysterious figure warn them of the need to purify the Earth before the Celestials come to judge us.  However, Yost doesn't give us any insight into why the figure was so convincing that the High Evolutionary and the Evolutionaries so quickly ditched their deeply held beliefs about evolution.  We'll need that piece of the puzzle eventually, though I'm happy to wait.

*** (three of five stars)

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