Sunday, June 29, 2014

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #12 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

First, let's get to the important question:  what happened to Speed Demon's dog?

Moving onto the rest of the story, I love how Spencer has Boomerang completely incapable of selling his story (that Chameleon stole his identity) to Beetle and Overdrive.  I mean, he manages to get through the initial telling of it, with the Owl even backing up his version of events.  But, he totally forgets about it when they're plotting to swipe back the portrait of Dr. Doom, saying that this time the double-cross at the end will at least include Beetle and Overdrive.  It's just a great reminder of why everything doesn't quite go to plan when it comes to Fred, since he just doesn't have the attention span to really sell his various stories.  Of course, he does have the skill (or luck) to avoid his eventual comeuppance (other than the occasional prison sentence); after all, despite his assurances to the Beetle and Overdrive to the contrary, he once again manages to manipulate events here to end the issue in a room alone in a room with a safe...

But, seriously, what happened to Speed Demon's dog?

*** (three of five stars)

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