Sunday, June 1, 2014

The New 52: Futures End #1 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

I wasn't going to review this issue, since I had already decided to drop this series based on its FCBD preview.  But, I will say that it has potential.  First, it's nice to see Terry McGuinnis in action, particularly given how poorly the various "Batman Beyond" series have fared over the years.  Second, the authors do a good job of building the drama, particularly the tense Stormwatch segment.  The problem is that it's going to be hard to know how to emotionally engage with the series, given the sheer number of likely deaths (or, at least, unhappy endings).  For example, the authors seemingly wipe out the entire Stormwatch team (including Apollo, Hawkman, and Midnighter) in the first half of the issue, but we're supposed to be shocked to discover that Green Lantern is dead.  Given the fact that death might actually be a welcome option over becoming one of Brother Eye's minions, the authors are going to struggle, I imagine, to keep the emotional pitch constant.  Bendis actually did a decent job of that early in "Age of Ultron," but it would be a challenge to maintain that over 52 issues.  If I wasn't already committed to another weekly series ("Batman Eternal"), I'd consider getting it, but a guy has to draw a line somewhere, particularly given the upcoming Earth 2 weekly series.

*** (three of five stars)

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