Monday, July 14, 2014

Batman Eternal #12 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Look, the problem here is that I still have trouble believing that anyone in Gotham would be this upset about 162 people dying.  I mean, isn't that just Tuesday in Gotham?

But, if I'm going to continue reading this series, I guess that I just have to accept the fact that Gotham believes that the death of 162 people amounts to a "scar the heart of [Gotham] for decades," as the prosecutor claims.  Moreover, I'm going to have to accept the vitriol that people have towards Jim as a result, even though it seems remarkably overdone.  (You have to accept people seeing the incident as leaving said scar before you can accept the citizenry being this mad at its perpetrator.)  I get that the hate is based on this idea that Gordon acted recklessly, firing on an allegedly unarmed man in the train station.  However, I still find it hard to believe that everyone would ignore all the good that he's done.  Basically, I want a better sense of the tragedy that this situation would be if it were true, the idea of a good man making a mistake for which he still needs to be punished.

Snyder and Tynion at least do us the justice of reminding us that the main point of this farce is to sideline Gordon while the gang war rages.  We're established that it's probably not Falcone pulling the strings, so we'll have to wait to find out who the person is manipulating the events behind the scenes.  But, it's still hard to believe that anyone is going along with this farce in the first place.  Vicki isn't, and she seems to imply that the media are simply because it sells paper.  But, it's just one more thing I have to accept.  Scar, vitriol, farce:  I'm taking them on faith, I guess.

The main event of this issue is Gordon's protégé putting together a plan to free Gordon.  For the first time, the GCPD doesn't seem like mindless zombies, with Bullock and Sawyer agreeing to help Bard in pulling off his plan.  It gives me hope that we're not doomed to suffer through this Gordon sideshow for all 52 issues.  Barbara and Jason also seem hot on the trail of the person pulling the strings, and I have to say that I hope that Snyder and Tynion spend more time on them than they do on Gordon in prison.  Hilarity will undoubtedly ensue.

I want to give this issue three stars, but I still can't help but get angry every time I read anything related to Jim Gordon, so I'm sticking with two stars.

** (two of five stars)

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