Sunday, July 27, 2014

Batman Eternal #14 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

I'm mostly OK with this issue.  (Shocking, right?)

First, Snyder and Tynion make it clear that Bard is using methods that significantly cross the line.  At the end of last issue, I raised an eyebrow over the fact that he illegally wiretapped Mayor Hady's conversation with Commissioner Forbes, where Hady ordered Forbes to release Falcone's men.  But, Snyder and Tynion clarify in this issue that it's part of Bard's modus operandi.  In fact, Bard is so bold that he even admits to Hady that he has the recording, even though Hady would know that he obtained it illegally.  But, Snyder and Tynion show how clever Bard is.  He uses the fact that Vicky Vale has the recording to shake down Falcone's location from Hady; he never intended to use it as evidence in a case against Hady.  As if illegal wiretapping wasn't enough, Bard anonymously passes this information to the Penguin, so that he can entrap him and Falcone when the Penguin inevitably goes to confront him.  Again, Bard brings along Vale, making it irrelevant if he manages to get convictions.  It's all rather brilliant, really.  But, it's also seriously ethically compromised.

These actions happen on the margins of a conversation between Gordon and Batman in Blackgate, where we're left to draw our own conclusions about whether Gordon really planned on escaping or just left his cell "to lock the door."  The important part of the conversation is Gordon telling Batman that maybe it's time to pass the torch to kids like Bard, since he fears that he fired that fateful shot because he had been pushing himself too hard.  Snyder and Tynion seem to be setting up just this passing of the torch in this issue, except Bruce decides that Bard's tactics are too questionable to trust him fully.  I wanted to see exactly this moment, and I'm glad that Snyder and Tynion gave it to us.  No matter how effective Bard is, he's still taking some serious risks, with both his life and others.  I have my doubts that he's going to be alive to succeed Gordon.  But, Bruce would particularly disapprove of Bard risking other people's lives; in fact, Bard sending the Penguin after Falcone results in the death of Falcone's 12 bodyguards.  Gordon is Gordon because he does it the hard way.  Batman -- and Snyder and Tynion -- get that.

I'm always happy with this series when we don't have to address the ridiculousness of the charges against Gordon.  Looking ahead, it would be nice to see Batman actually do something.  So far, the only ones in action are his supporting cast:  Red Robin tracking down the toxins used on the kids in Gotham, Batgirl and Red Hood investigating who set up Gordon, and Batwing exploring the Hell under Arkham Asylum.  It would be nice to see Batman actually get his hands dirty at this point.

*** (three of five stars)

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