Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Captain Marvel #4 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Tic:  "'Warlord' and 'goddess' are not exact translations.  Jackie is our chief engineer and Defense Minister."

Jackie:  "I prefer 'warlord' and 'goddess.'"

Carol:  "Sure.  Who wouldn't?"

Man, I love this series.

We come full circle here, with Captain Marvel and her rag-tag band of Torfan refugees arriving on Ursor-4 to buy spare parts, as they did in the first issue.  We now know that they're trying to build orbital space-stations to which they can evacuate the other refugees, since the Alliance's fear of contagion means that it won't allow them to take the sick anywhere that currently exists.  It's a solid plan, though I'm not entirely sure how Captain Marvel's ship is going to hold all the parts that they need to build orbital space-stations.  But, as Carol said, one problem at a time.

Meanwhile, J'Son is still as sketchy as ever, and it seems abundantly clear that he has a specific plan for Torfa.  The only thing that continues not to make sense is that, as Eleanides said, J'Son put them there in the first place.  Did he plan on them all dying quickly, and now he's worried that if they live long enough they'll discover Torfa's secret,l whatever it is?  I guess we'll see.

But, regardless, I'm now totally sold on the cosmic adventures of Captain Marvel.  Sure, I miss her Earth-bound supporting cast, but I should've trusted DeConnick to create an equally awesome one for her in space.  It's like reading "Star Wars" if it were a comic, perhaps more so than "Guardians of the Galaxy" itself.  READ THIS BOOK.

**** (four of five stars)

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