Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Original Sins #4 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

All right, this issue isn't as terrible as previous ones, mainly because the Dr. Doom story is clever, if predictable.  But, man, the Young Avengers story just continues to suck.  As expected, the Hood betrayed the guys by making sure that the memories taken from the drug addicts were uploaded to the Internet and encrypted, guaranteeing that the Hood can not only help his mom but gain enough information on governments and individuals to ensure that no one messes with him.  It was pretty clear that the Hood was going that way, since, after all, why would he have wanted all the memories otherwise?  But, if he had the technical capability to supply the rigged equipment to Prodigy, you really have to ask why he couldn't have built Cerebro, Jr. himself.  Did he really need Prodigy?  It seems unlikely, if he knew enough about the machine that Prodigy was going to build to provide equipment to manipulate it.  At any rate, I guess I'm moderately intrigued by how the Young Avengers are going to solve a problem that they can't, in the Hood's words, simply punch to resolve.  (That's the nicest thing that I've had to say about this series since the start.)

*** (three of five stars)

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