Thursday, August 7, 2014

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #13 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Honestly, I think that I've lost the plot here.

Why did Fred call the cops on the Sinister Sixteen?  I'm assuming that he wanted to eliminate the competition?  But, why exactly did calling the cops enrage the Owl?  Is it because it meant that he didn't get the portrait of Dr. Doom?  In theory, wouldn't the Owl still have faith that Boomerang would still deliver the painting to him if he, himself, wasn't arrested?  Did the Owl just assume that it was Fred who called the cops?  Also, when did we learn that the painting of Dr. Doom isn't the real painting?  Moreover, if it's not the real painting, then does a real painting exist?  If it doesn't exist, then how in the world will selling the painting make Fred any money?  He presumably thinks that it will, since he didn't just return it to the Owl.  But, how?  Finally, where does Speed Demon keep going?

This series is fun, but, honestly, I'm going to start needing more elaborate introduction pages, because we've drifted dangerously into writing-for-the-trade territory here.

** (two of five stars)

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