Monday, September 8, 2014

Original Sin #7 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

I've liked this series for the most part, a significant feat given how over events I am.  But, Aaron loses me here as we descend into nonsensical blather.  It's like "Gravity" with too much talking.

Nick Fury has always been the guy that knew all the secrets worth knowing.  In fact, the sub-text of this entire event has been taking that proposition to the extreme.  But, when we reach that extreme in this issue, we're crossed the line into ridiculous.  How does Fury know the words that somehow render Thor unworthy of holding Mjolnir?  With the hullabaloo over the upcoming debut of a female Thor, I had assumed that Thor did something to render him unworthy.  Instead, Fury just whispers a few words and strips godhood from a god.  Did I mention that he also knows the override code for Tony Stark's armor and that Logan murdered his "children?"  Fury implies that he knows these secrets because he managed to open the eyes, but I thought that he was still struggling to do that the last time that we saw them.

The problem with these revelations is that it's still unclear why we care.  Fury uses this knowledge to take down the Avengers (I guess Logan just went into a guilt coma), but we still don't know what he wants or why he doesn't want the Avengers involved.  If Fury was the one to steal the Watcher's eyes in the first place, why did he do it?  Did it have something to do with being the Man on the Wall?  These two plots are feeling increasingly isolated from one another, but I have to assume that Aaron will bridge the gap at some point.  But, even if he doesn't, we definitely need to know what secret Fury is willing to risk everything to know.  Doesn't he know enough?  If he knows enough to strip Stark of control of his armor or Thor of his godhood, what secrets could the Watcher's compound hold that he doesn't already know?  Also, why can't the Avengers help him?

Why do I feel like I'm not going to be happy with the answers if we get them?

* (one of five stars)

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