Thursday, December 25, 2014

Earth 2: World's End #7 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

This issue is confusing.  In fact, it's so confusing, I'm having troubles finding the words to describe why it's confusing.

First, I don't get why Sam is the avatar of the White.  Why him?  It seems particularly arbitrary at this point, particularly since reincarnated Sam has the memory, but not the emotions or personality, of living Sam.  If you're going to use the soul of a dead person with no emotions or personality as an avatar, why pick the boyfriend of one of the other avatars?  It just feels like a plot device to torture Alan rather than a decision motivated by some other valid reason.  Granted, we don't really know much about why the Green picked Alan and I guess it makes sense that they were both chosen avatars when they died in that train crash.  But, what about the train crash made it special?  (Also, I'm assuming that Sam was actually chosen then and not at some later point.)  If it's not just going to feel like a plot device, we need to get some more background on both Alan and Sam becoming avatars.

Second, we learn that the Helm of Nabu is actually some sort of Mother Box.  It mates with the Mother Box inside Jimmy (ewww) and Jimmy is going to emerge as some sort of god.  I'm still not really sure what a Mother Box is, so I'll admit that I'm just totally lost when it comes to this sequence.  I have no idea where we're going with this one.

Finally, Apokolips suddenly appears at the Moon via a Boom Tube, but, if I'm not mistaken, we don't know who summoned the Boom Tube.  I thought that the Boom Tube had already brought Apokolips to our solar system and that it was 24 days from Earth.  What changed?

We've also got John Constantine skulking in the background and Desaad changing Helena into Fury, but, honestly, I've got enough on my plate right now that I'm going to have to let those developments stay in the background.

** (two of five stars)

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