Monday, December 1, 2014

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #16 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Spencer continues the theme of the last few issues, showing that evil, no matter how hilarious, turns on itself.

After burying the Shocker alive, the remaining members of the Sinister Five turn on each other.  Each brings a surprise patron to the meeting of the Maggia where the "team" had intended to crown itself head(s) of the Underworld.  Although it seems far-fetched that the team would actually have been able to control the Underworld for more than a few minutes, Spencer makes it clear that none of their patrons thought that they could manage it either.

At this stage, though, I'm still a little unsure what Boomerang's plan is.  Everyone else's plan was pretty clear, like the Beetle using her dad as the muscle she needed to take over the Maggia on her own or Overdrive paying off his debt to Mr. Negative by delivering him the head of Silvermane.  Surprisingly, though, Fred doesn't seem to have set up a double-cross at the meeting; instead, it seems to have been his cover for stealing the identity of a Mets pitcher.  But, it's unclear why he would've needed said meeting as cover (if it was, in fact, cover); he probably could've just kidnapped the guy.

It's really just Fred's ultimate plan left outstanding as we approach the final issue.  The other team members are likely to go their own way after the double-crossing, so Spencer just needs to wrap up Fred's story to call it a pretty effective day.  We'll probably learn that manipulating his way onto Citifield was Fred's plan all along (or, at least, he'll claim it was), but he'll screw it up somehow.  That would be a fitting ending to this series.

*** (three of five stars)

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