Saturday, May 16, 2015

All-New Hawkeye #2 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

First, I'm glad to see the frogs escaped.

But, now, I realize that Lemire was using the trapped frogs as metaphors.  They weren't just the pets that Clint had to leave in his wake as he and Barney fled their abusive foster father.  They represented Clint and Barney getting saved from him by the Swordsman and the three kids that HYDRA was holding hostage getting saved by Kate.  But, unlike the Barton boys and the HYDRA kids, the frogs aren't dangerous.

We all know Clint and Barney's history of shenanigans, but these kids seem to be something else entirely.  When a HYDRA technician warns Kate how dangerous the kids are and then orders the soldiers to kill them, the kids use some sort of telepathic power to murder everyone in the room but Kate.  If that's not enough, the concluding narration tells us that freeing the kids was "the start of the end of everything."  Talk about leaving us wanting more.

Lemire is still pulling at our heat strings here, since we all know that the Swordsman isn't exactly the night in shining armor that he appears to be here.  It's hard to see a scared Clint thinking that he's finally been saved.  But, as the concluding narration implies, it feels fated by this point.  It seems the only road that Clint and Barney were going to have.  At least now they have a dog.

*** (three of five stars)

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