Thursday, January 3, 2019

Not-Very-New Comics: The October 24 Edition (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Amazing Spider-Man #8:  This issue is OK, but I’ll admit I’m having trouble following everyone’s status quo (a theme of the month, as you’ll see).  First, we have MJ.  It was always a little unbelievable Mary Jane was a top executive at Stark Industries, a reality highlighted when Peter lists her previous jobs as a model, actress, and club owner.  We learn here she quit under acrimonious circumstances, but I don't read "Iron Man" so I don't know why.  Plus, I’m still not sure whether Peter accepted the Lizard’s offer to help him actually earn his Ph.D.  Before we can get to the bottom of either mystery, we’re launched into the next arc.  It’s just a little dizzying at this point.

Detective Comics #991:  Well, that went James Robinson very quickly.  This issue quickly devolves into a circular and largely nonsensical conversation between Batman, Commission Gordon, and Two-Face.  Jim seems determined to believe Harvey is still alive somewhere in there even though, OMFG, how many times have we been down this road, Jim?  But, it just doesn't stop there.  Robinson tries to do too much here as Two-Face argues it was Harvey who killed Karl Twist while Bruce notes the Fireflies' description of Twist's building means Two-Face is helping Kobra (because Bruce didn't get a chance to read the plans Twist developed for them).  So is Harvey working for Kobra , too?  Also, at some point, Two-Face jumps off the bridge because he's mad Jim is there.  Yeah, I don't know.  I'm just trying to get to Tomasi at this point.

Star Wars:  Doctor Aphra #25:  This series has always been written for the trade, but I have to admit I think it’s gotten to the point where I can’t really follow from month to month.  Granted, it’s probably been two months or so since I read the last issue, but I spent most of the issue trying to remember everyone status quo.  (See?  Theme.)  For example, I think “Sir” called Vader to delay Accresker Jail crashing into the planet Tiferep, but I’m not 100% certain.  I also know Sana was involved in this arc somehow, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just to evacuate the Rebel forces from Tiferep, as she does here.  Moreover, I think Dr. Evazan had something to do with the death of Tam Posla’s partner, but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was.  All in all, I think it’s time for me to call it a day with this series.  I enjoy Aphra as a character, but the series may require more work than I can provide at this point.

X-Men:  Red #9:  The X-Men seem not to have a group editor, because I feel like everyone is just telling stories.  For example, Rachel comes under the sway of Cassandra Nova here, meaning Taylor is telling almost exactly the same story Guggenheim just told in "X-Men Gold."  It wasn't all that believable when it was Mesmero controlling her, and I have to stay it still isn't all that believable even when it's Cassandra Nova.  Given Rachel is also likely coming under the sway of Ahab in "Extermination," it really makes you wonder how no editor didn't maybe raise his or her hand and note we were getting downright repetitive in X-Land.

Also Read:  Infinity Wars:  Sleepwalker #2; Return of Wolverine #2; Spider-geddon #2; Spider-Gwen:  Ghost Spider #1; X-Men:  Black - Juggernaut #1

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