Sunday, March 29, 2020

Not-Even-Remotely-New Comics: The May 22 Edition (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

War of the Realms:  Journey into Mystery #3:  This series has gone from being an amusing tie-in series that you're pleased you don't hate to a bona fide team epic that I really don't want to end.

War of the Realms:  Uncanny X-Men #2:  It's sad that the actual "Uncanny X-Men" series is so bad at this point that I found myself truly understanding the potential that Rosenberg is squandering while reading this issue.  This series feels the way that series should.  Alex and, most importantly, Scott find themselves put in their respective places, serving as little more than mindless cannons to ensure the safety of the refugees whom the X-Men are assembling at Citi Field.  Karma is running the show, and it's the generational transition that I thought that Rosenberg was going to show us in the main title.  (I didn't expect for Scott to pass the torch to Karma without a fight, per se, but I at least thought that we'd see said fight.  Instead, the New Mutants in that title are all either dying or quitting.)  I'm not sure why Rosenberg seems to have a better grasp on the characters here than there, but I guess I have to take what I can get.

War of the Realms:  Strikeforce - The Land of Giants #1:  Oh, Buttercup.  (Sniff.)  You were a good horse.

X-Force #8:  I like this series, but for some reason this issue didn't sing to me in the same way that the other ones have.  Stryfe seems just completely unhinged here and as such makes overly convenient (in terms of the plot) mistakes.  For example, it's hard to believe that he'd so blithely order his telepaths to free Rachel of their hold simply so that they could redouble their control of the MLF to take out X-Force.  Moreover, Nate's descent into disintegration should be compelling, but for me it was lost among the chaos.  I feel like Brisson has to pull us together here.

Also Read:  Avengers #19; Detective Comics #1,004; Marvel Comics Presents #1-#5; Mr. and Mrs. X #11

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