Friday, March 26, 2021

Over-a-Year-Old Comics: The December 11 (2019) Non-Event Edition (HERE BE SPOILERS!

Star Wars:  Target Vader #6:  I'll admit this issue's crosses and double-crosses were difficult to follow given that it's been months since I read issue #5.  (When exactly did we meet Gwi?  Did we ever previously hear about Cavic?)  But, Valance is a great character, an even more broken version of Han Solo.  He passes up his score to get the Rebellion to resettle the people from his village in exchange for the weapons.  I'm looking forward to the upcoming "Star Wars:  Bounty Hunters" series, because I can't get enough of these Outer Rim stories.

Undiscovered Country #2:  Snyder and Soule make it clear that this series is going to be a page turner as this issue is full of crosses and double-crosses.  (Seems to be a theme this week.)  For example, we learn the Alliance and the Zone have tried to make side deals with Daniel to steal Sky just for their empire.  But, the biggest surprise is that Daniel is (theoretically) working for the Destiny Man.  Obviously, Daniel made it a little farther into America than he's told people.

The issue starts with Dr. Elgin arriving at the Graves' home 30 years ago to send away Charlotte and Daniel; both parents apparently work for him and, presumably, Aurora.  The present-day Elgin is a nut job of the highest order.  He continues to claim that he received a prophecy that Charlotte and Daniel would save the land and believes that he has to walk them through the Spiral to do so.  

We come to learn that America is full of different states -- not just physical ones according to Elgin but also mental states.  Walls divide them and we learn that the Destiny Man has the key but doesn't know where the door to the next "state" is; Elgin does, however.  He wants the team to recover Bukowski because they'll need a pilot to move to the next state.  Daniel insists that they saw Bukowski die, but Elgin is pretty sure that they'll question him before they kill him.  (We see that Elgin is right, as the Destiny Man threatens to put Bukowski on "the wall" if he doesn't cooperate.  He also comments, referring to Aurora, that "she let you in," when Bukowski insists that they were invited.)

Despite Chang and Janet wanting to beat the answer from Sam and flee America, Charlotte reminds them that they need the cure.  (For his part, Ace wants to stay in America as long as possible.)  Daniel agrees that they need to flee, but also stresses that they need to free Bukowski to do it.  (I have my doubts that Daniel couldn't repair and fly the helicopter, but the revelation that he's working for the Destiny Man explains why he'd pretend they need Bukowski.)

The team attempts to enter the Destiny Man's headquarters, and Charlotte is disturbed when Daniel kills one of the guards.  He tells her that he's what she thinks he is:  he's done bad things and made bad deals.  But, he's trying to make amends.  Daniel has everyone put on the robes the guards were carrying and goes ahead to engage in recon.  In reality, he meets the Destiny Man's lieutenant, who tells him that the way has been cleared and asks if he's ready to fulfill his destiny.  Revealing the Destiny Man's tattoo on his (very, very taut) stomach, he tells the lieutenant that he's ready to do what "was agreed."

Also Read:  Dungeons & Dragons:  Infernal Tides #1

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