Thursday, March 16, 2023

Six-Month-Old Comics: The September 14 and 21 Event Edition (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

X-Men Red #6 (September 14):  This issue is surprising, because I feel like we were led to believe that Uranos pretty effectively destroyed Arakko in his assault in "A.X.E. Judgement Day" #1 and "X-Men Red" #5.  Instead, the Earth-born mutants - namely, Magneto, Storm, and Sunspot - show the Arakkii how to work together to fight Uranos' machines, which apparently continued rampaging on Arakko after he departed.

Roberto reveals to Magneto that he's formed the Table of Shadow, the fourth Great Ring table that traditionally consists of non-omegas and forms itself to keep an eye on the three other tables.  The Night Seats are him, the Fisher King, and Syzya of the Smoke (essentially the Nightcrawler of Arakko).  Upon this revelation, Magneto has a weird conversation with the Fisher King, implying that their meeting in "X-Men Red" #1 wasn't an accident.  Instead, he believes it had something to do with Roberto already having recruited the Fisher King for the Table of Shadow.  Honestly, I don't entirely follow where Ewing is going here.  It seems to have something to do with the Fisher King assessing whether Magneto was worthy, though I don't get why he would have to hide his status as a Night Seat to do so.

Before someone can explain, Ewing instead moves to Magneto taking out the greatest threat to Arakko - an enormous silicone gorilla (yup) - by combining his power with Storm's, a lesson the Arakkii realize they might need to learn.  It sets up the Brotherhood and other Arakkii taking the fight to Uranos in "A.X.E. Judgment Day" #4.

A.X.E. Judgment Day #4 (September 14):  The Progenitor is going to kill everyone on Earth, sure.  At this stage, the only interesting component of this event is whatever Starfox's plan is.  It seems like it's going to combines Eternal and mutant technology to...make the world a better place?  Is everyone going to get resurrected?  Also, Magneto allegedly dies here.  Whatever.

A.X.E. Judgment Day #5 (September 21):  Oof.  Gillen does what he can, as the heroes throw what they have against the Progenitor in an attempt to stall him so that their brain trust can find a way to stop him from destroying Earth.  But we all know that they're going to win.  The mutants resurrecting Captain America so that he can lead whatever charge he's going to lead next issue just means that they're going to do so in the most clichéd and formulaic way possible.

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