Wednesday, September 26, 2012

On a Format Change

I just thought that I'd post a quick self-indulgent note about a change that I'm making to the format of to the blog.  When I first started blogging, I was living overseas and received my comics via mail.  As such, I was usually a few weeks behind the curve (hence the title of this blog).  At the same time, I was moving my way through 100+ back issues of "Amazing Spider-Man" that I had bought when I decided that I couldn't resume collecting comics and not read Spidey.  But, I realized that I needed to understand "Brand New Day," so I dropped some bank and started reading.  Both factors lent themselves to posts covering multiple issues, as I made my way through various arcs in "Amazing Spider-Man" and bundles of comics that arrived in the mail.

Happily, I now live in the U.S. and am able to get my comics every Wednesday like everyone else.  As such, waiting to post until I read enough issues to make up an "edition" (Avengers, Cap, X-Men, etc.) no longer makes sense.  Instead, I'm going to start posting review one by one, which should also mean more frequent posts.  I'm still going to include longer summaries and reviews for "Amazing Spider-Man" with shorter reviews only for every other series.  At least, if homework doesn't get in the way...

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