Thursday, February 28, 2013

Earth 2 #9 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

One of things that I enjoy most about this series is that it involves a lot of characters who aren't cut-and-dried heroes, in the traditional sense.  For example, Green Lantern is a "good guy," but he's also kind of an arrogant asshole.  Terry Sloan murdered millions of innocent people, but the World Army still hires him to help in securing global defense.  In this issue, Sandman, who got the hero treatment in issue #7 as he helped Khan move against Sloan, proves that he can also be a ruthless bastard, using Flash's mother as a hostage in his attempt to take Flash into custody.  Similarly, Kendra pushes her friend, Khalid, to use his powers, even though they're driving him insane.  These actions aren't heroic, but they fit the dark world that Robinson has created.

The exception to the rule is Jay, who consistently tries to do the right thing.  We seem him not only be concerned about his mom worrying about him, but he then jumps to her defense when the World Army comes calling.  He shows how quickly he's learning to use his powers as he holds his own against Atom and the Sandmen, though he needs a last-minute assist from Khalid to escape.  Of course, Robinson lets no good deed go unpunished and it seems like we're going to learn a lot more about Khalid next issue.

After the somewhat off-step issue last issue, Robinson returns to form here, giving us a story that continues to flesh out the characters and their times.  I continue to be excited every time I pick up an issue.

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