Saturday, February 22, 2014

All-New X-Men #21 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

This issue is bad.  I mean, really bad.  The parts about Rev. Stryker's kid are almost impossible to follow.  Bendis wants to leave it a mystery whether he's a mutant or something else, but it's hard to see what else he could possibly be other than a mutant.  Even if he isn't one exactly and A.I.M. did something to resolve his medical problem that made him into a super-human of some type, it's still somewhat unbelievable that the Purifiers would accept someone with powers that even seem mutant-like to lead them.  After all, bigots full of irrational hate aren't exactly known for being...rational.  Along those lines, I don't buy that Stryker was stopped from killing Angel by one of the other Purifiers claiming that they needed someone "smarter than us" to confirm that doing so wouldn't cause a time paradox.  After all, heads of movements full of irrational hate aren't exactly known for thinking that people exist who are...less irrational.  Moving past Stryker, I also totally didn't stand the X-23 part, about her being part of some sort of reality TV show.  Is that "Avengers Academy?"  If so, why was she so upset at the end of the issue?  It felt like something else happened, since it's not like the X-Men are completely unware of X-23's murderous streak.  It seemed unlikely that she would be that bothered by the possibility of people discovering it.  Bendis seems to want us to think something else is happening here, but I can't for the life of me tell what it is.  Ugh.  La la la, let's just pretend this one didn't happen.

* (one of five stars)

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