Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Superior Spider-Man #27.NOW (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

I'm not really sure what I think about this issue.

On the plus side, Slott tells a tale suitably epic for the months that he spent building up the story.  The Goblin King is a worthy opponent for Otto.  In fact, Slott reveals that the Goblin has done for the franchise of the Green Goblin almost exactly what Otto has done with the identity of Spider-Man:  he's expanded it, creating his own infrastructure (like the underground train-network), amassing his own troops (including not only the gang members but now the Hobgoblin's franchisees), and improving his technological abilities (like the Goblin Protocols).  He is every bit the villainous equivalent of Otto's Spider-Man, and it sets a stage for a truly epic confrontation, one that Otto seems destined to lose.  Otto himself seems to know that, given his furious response to the Goblin's offer to be his lieutenant.  This issue earned an extra star from me for this exchange, particularly the revelation that Otto isn't so totally off his game that he'd be lured into the Goblin's trap himself (instead using his virtual-reality avatar to confront the Goblin).  But, Slott makes it clear how rattled he actually is, having him not only threatening the Goblin into conflict but also inadvertently confirming that he does control Spidey's body in his moment of rage.

All that said, it seems completely unbelievable that Spidey missed the Goblin building his empire.  This issue begins 31 days after the last one, and we're left to believe that Otto has apparently never inadvertently stumbled across the mayhem that the Goblin gangs have imposed on New York City during that time.  Spidey mentions that the "Daily Bugle" website keeps crashing on him and that police reports are garbled, implying that the Goblin's technological attack on him is broader than just the Goblin protocols.  But, Slott never explains how the Goblin accomplishes that and keeps Otto from noticing.  Wouldn't the Goblin have to know that Spider-Man is Peter Parker to crash his browser?  Moreover, if Otto is living with Annamaria, as he now appears to be, wouldn't Annamaria maybe mention that New York is functionally under the control of the Goblin gangs?  Otto only realizes it when he happens to catch one news report asking if Spidey is working with the Goblin. It's never really been brought to his attention before that?  I mean, you've got the goblin tattoo on the mole in "Superior Spider-Man Team-Up" #10 and the Goblin tagging the Brooklyn Bridge at the beginning of this issue.  Otto doesn't realize the scope of the Goblin's influence before then?

Moreover, if the Goblin really did manage to impose some sort of technological blinder on Otto, doesn't he patrol?  Does he really rely just on his Spiderbots?  We're told here that Annamaria barely sees him and that he never goes to work.  What else is he doing?  I could see an argument that Otto was so confident in his Spiderbots that he ignored patrolling, but Slott seems to rule out that possibility.  We're supposed to believe that Otto and everyone he knows have never connected the uptick in crime with the Goblin gangs, through technology or in person, at any point in the last 31 days.  It just seems completely preposterous.  He can send a virtual-reality avatar to meet the Green Goblin, but he can't look out his window and see some gang members in Goblin masks holding up a liquor store?

Hopefully, we can put this ridiculous premise behind us.  Now that Otto's war with the Goblin King is under way, we can forget how it started and just focus on the ensuing battle.  But, it still serves as a reminder of why I so often wind up disappointed in Slott lately, given his almost constant use of overly convenient turns of events to propel a story when a little more time fleshing out the obvious problems would've resulted in a stronger story.  Although he manages to stay above the Clone Saga, it's not by much.

A Note on Miguel:  Miguel appears here, as JJJ, Jr. comes to Alchemax to collect his Spider-Slayers.  Stone tells Liz's chief of staff, Mr. Banks, that they got them done quickly because they were told "time was a factor," and Miguel comments, "you have no idea."  That's it.  (Notably, JJJ, Jr. declares that he wants the Slayers to kill Spidey and that he wants him to know that JJJ, Jr. was behind it.  Good times.)  Hopefully Wacker isn't lying that we're getting a new Spidey 2099 book at the end of the year.  Fingers crossed.

** (two of five stars)

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