Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #10 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

OK, this issue is fun, like the last one, but I'm still left with some questions.

How did the mole get such unfettered access to Spider-Island?  Otto is a pretty paranoid guy, so I feel like it's hard to believe that a regular Spiderling could've managed to change the codes to the level where Otto develops prototypes of his weapons AND sneak in a bunch of Goblin gang members to pose as impostor Spiderlings to challenge Otto.  I mean, sure, it was a brilliant scheme on the Goblin's part, since he not only rattles Otto's confidence by showing him that he could manage such a maneuver but also gets rid of the weapons themselves, all in one fell swoop.  But, again, it's hard to believe that the mole could set up such a scheme.  Shinick doesn't even unmask him, underlining that he was really just a nameless Spiderling.

In another sign that the plot wasn't that clear, I don't think that the Goblin originally wanted Spidey to have to destroy the weapons, though.  I think that the actual plan was for the mole to take out Spidey and steal the equipment.  But, Shinick never really made that clear.  Also, did the Goblin really think that the Spiderlings (even a small army of them) could take out Spidey?

Also, did Spidey really steal the Punisher's glider?  I thought that he said last issue that he didn't steal it.  Wasn't the whole reason that he brought Daredevil and the Punisher to Spider-Island to prove that he didn't have it?  If so, why was it revealed to be in the stash this issue?  Did the mole actually steal it?  If he did, why would he do that and risk getting the Punisher involved?

Also (again), did Otto really not recognize that the Goblin was behind it?  I mean, OK, he doesn't have Peter's memories, but Otto Octavius should probably have recognized the Goblin was involved when the mole tried to go suicide bomber with pumpkin bombs tied around his torso.  It shouldn't have taken the Goblin gang-tattoo on the mole's neck for Otto to get a clue.

Also (again again), when did Daredevil get so cold-blooded?  We get a throw-away comment that he doesn't approve of the Punisher's methods, but he is after all the guy who told Spidey to ditch the weapons -- and drown all the Goblin gang members in the process -- by opening the hatch into the ocean.  Frank mowing down some guys with a machine gun to mop up the fight seems pretty small potatoes.

I actually had fun reading this issue (hence the two stars), but the more that I think about it, the more that it doesn't make sense.  Like the Superior Six arc, it feels like Shinick left a lot on the table, like he was forced to collapse a larger arc into a smaller one.

** (two of five stars)

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