Tuesday, May 27, 2014

All-New X-Men #26 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Whew, this issue is intense.

I can't believe how beautifully Bendis handled younger Jean's feelings for older Scott (or, to use Scott's line, "regular aged" Scott).  First, he reminds us why it's entirely natural (if creepy) for her to have those feelings, given that she's confronted with the man that she hoped that younger Scott would become.  Second, Bendis shows Scott displaying a level of emotional maturity that we don't often see from him.  Although Cyclops is firm in refusing Jean's advance, Bendis hints that Scott might also feel the same way.  Finally, to make it clear that we don't have to worry too much about such an abomination coming to pass, Bendis introduces Nanny Kitty, who informs Scott that he'll never be spending time alone with Jean again.  It's this interaction that I loved the most.  As you know, I never really bought the fact that Kitty threw in her lot with Scott, and Bendis at least tries to show that she's still somewhat uncomfortable with that decision, in that she's still somewhat uncomfortable with him.  Scott has reason to be afraid of her, and not just because she's become the House Mother.

As usual with this series, this excellent characterization isn't limited just to the main players.  A long-neglected Warren gets in some good moments here as he tries to comfort a departing X-23; I particularly liked him encouraging her to talk about her feelings for Scott by saying, "This is how people get to know people."  Bendis has seemed at a loss when it comes to finding a role for Warren, and I think that he's hit on a good one in using him to play peacemaker between the various factions.  

In terms of the larger plot, Bendis hints that we might get somewhere soon on the space/time implications of the original X-Men's time in the present.  Scott wonders why he doesn't remember spending time with his father in space and how older Hank is going to find a way to return the original X-Men to their time.  Moreover, we see young Hank trying to figure out this question, focusing particularly on divergences like Scott going to space and Jean manifesting new powers.  The arrival of the future X-Men on the last page seems to raise the stakes when it comes to some clarity.

**** (four of five stars)

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