Sunday, September 7, 2014

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #14 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Throughout this series, Spencer has done a great job of making the team a bunch of lovable idiots, despite the obvious challenge of the fact that they're mostly violent criminals.  Everything doesn't go their way, but they're out there with their delusions, trying to figure out the next score.  Since they're mostly acting against other criminals, it hasn't been too hard to root for them, since it's not like you're going to root for Chameleon or the Owl instead.  In this issue, though, Spencer lowers the boom a little, and we see them through a less rosy filter.

Spencer's hardest challenge has probably been Boomerang, since his villainy is pretty well documented.  However, the fact that Boomerang's characterization has always been all over the map allows him to decide on which side of the scale he's going to put his finger.  In my review of "American Spider-Man Presents:  Jackpot," I noted that Fred went from encouraging the Shocker to show some civic pride and vote in "Amazing Spider-Man" #584 to a would-be rapist and definite murderer in that mini-series.  He's been a little less evil in this series, again, mostly because he's acting against other criminals.  But, in this issue, Spencer makes him a lot less likable as well.  Shocker overhears him making fun on his death -- a death that he himself arranged -- and it understandably pushes Shocker over the edge.  But, unlike the other stories in this series, I find myself hoping that Fred doesn't manage to charm his way out of trouble, because he really deserves to get his ass handed to him.

But, Spencer drops the sympathetic filter a bit for Overdrive and Speed Demon as well.  Overdrive reveals that he accepted the deal with Mister Negative to give him powers in the hope that he could one day become a superhero, an assertion that makes a certain amount of sense in the Thunderbolts era but feels more naive than calculating.  Moreover, Speed Demon finally returns the dog to the girl from whom he swiped it, but we're left wondering if he did it because he knew that it was the right thing to do or for the $100 reward (or because it had fleas).  The fact that he also loaded up the girl with the dog's food, leash, and medicine certainly implies the former, but Spencer sort of lets the latter hang out there a bit.

In other words, I ended this issue reminded that these folks are criminals.  It seems clear that Spencer wanted me to feel that way, but it was uncomfortable all the same.  I'm just glad the puppy is OK.

*** (three of five stars)

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