Monday, January 12, 2015

Grayson #5 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Wow.  This issue is intense.  We start in media res, with Dick and Midnighter delivering a child in a crashing helicopter, and it only gets crazier from there.

The purpose of this issue is to show the indomitable spirit of Dick Grayson, particularly when it comes to his ability to overcome obstacles to protect the innocent.  Is it heavy-handed?  Yes.  We're supposed to believe that Dick manages to walk across the Empty Quater with little food or water, all while carrying a baby, outlasting even Midnighter and his "enhancements."  It's a stretch.  Does it matter?  No.  King still gets across his point, that Dick somehow finds a way to be true to himself despite working for Spyral.  After all, as Midnighter reminds him frequently, even if he survived the trip, he'd have to turn over the baby -- possessor of the enhanced heart -- for dissection.  But, Dick manages to save her from that fate, as Seeley and King give us the Saudi version of Superman's origin, with a couple finding Dick and the baby in the desert.  It's a brilliant moment that shows that Dick continues to be one step ahead of Spyral.

Janín helps to sell all those moments.  From Dick's sweaty athletic body striking a pretty handsome figure (lucky Midnighter!) to his determined expressions that show that he really believes that he can achieve the impossible, we're able to believe the unbelievable thanks to Janín.

I'm intrigued where we go from here.  Spyral doesn't seem to be too devastated by the loss of the heart (and its power to see behind the mask, whatever that means), despite the fact that you'd figure it would be an important part of whatever Frankenstein's monster that it intends to build.  It's just a reminder that we're still in the dark about a lot of what Spyral is trying to achieve.  But, Seeley encourages us not to try to rush it, to enjoy the ride.  This issue makes it a lot easier.

**** (four of five stars)

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