Friday, March 1, 2013

Uncanny X-Men #1 (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Can we talk about the reveal?  Damn, I did not see that coming.  I mean, I should've seen it coming, since, after all, Magneto is probably the only person capable of shaking up Maria Hill to the extent that we see here.  But, I did not see it coming so it was all the more spectacular when it came.

In this issue, Bendis provides us with an interesting roadmap for this series and "All-New X-Men."  Since "Avengers vs. X-Men" concluded, we've been left mostly in the dark about Scott's true motivations.  Emerging from "AVX:  Consequences," Scott had embraced his role as a terrorist because he felt the need to scare humanity sufficiently that it would think twice before harming a mutant.  We see that motivation in play in this issue, with the Brotherhood appearing in time to defend a newly revealed mutant as he's being attacked by the police.

But, Bendis goes deeper here.  Magneto has approached SHIELD because he feels that Scott is actually a homicidal maniac (and he knows whence he speaks).  He describes Scott as a broken man whose arrogance has driven him to believe that he will be forgiven for his sins if he can save every mutant in the world.  Given Scott's portrayal over the last few years, it's an entirely reasonable assertion and, really, I have to take a minute to applaud Marvel for taking the time to evolve a character to the extent that it has Scott.  This storyline is the culmination of years of storylines that have brought us to the point that we can honestly see Scott in this way.

Magneto's motivations are made clear here, as well.  He's clearly driven not only by his outrage at Scott for killing Charles but also his hatred of him for stripping him of his mutant powers.  How he conducts his internal-mole mission remains to be seen.  I will say that it does seem odd that Magneto mentions that Scott should be in prison, given that he, himself, was the one that broke out Scott in the first place.  But, I think that you could make an argument that Magneto felt Scott would be as much a martyr in prison as he would be dead, so he needed him in play for the public humiliation that he sees as essential to ending his threat.  I'd buy that (even though no one's selling it in particular).

Beyond the intrigue of Cyclops and Magneto, Bendis also puts the new mutants at the center of a civil war between the Brotherhood and the X-Men.  They're now fighting a war over talent and we'll see how that goes.  At some point, regardless of the team who first approached them, each new mutant is going to have to make a decision about how s/he sees the world and which team best suits him/her.  I can't see Logan or Scott handling defections well.

I honestly have not been more excited about the X-books in years.

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