Thursday, June 6, 2024

Nine-Month-Old Comics!: The August 16 Top-Shelf Edition (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Star Wars:  Darth Vader #37:  This issue is confusing, because we've basically got two sets of droids under different masters acting against each other.

First, you've got the Scourge's droids, which take over the Executor in short order.  Then, you've got Vader's droids, who accompany him to the Executor once Grand Vizier Mas Amedda orders him to take control of the ship again.  

As Vader and his droids storm through the Executor, Zed discovers a panel that allows for the shutdown of all droids on board the ship.  Here, the droid Arex takes center stage, as he once worked for a Jedi and tries to help Vader with his issues with controlling the Force due to the Force Wave.  Arex beseeches Vader to use the less aggressive form of the Force to fix the broken shutdown switch, as Vader apparently once fixed himself using Arex's parts.  (I vaguely remember this incident but can't be bothered to look up the citation.)  Vader tries but instead just starts killing all the droids on the ship.  

Meanwhile, Amedda see his opening and orders a nearby admiral to destroy the Executor to isolate the problem, even though Vader is on board.

As I said, it's a lot of droids!

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