Thursday, May 23, 2024

Eleven-Month-Old Comics!: The July 19 Top-Shelf Edition (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Star Wars:  Return of the Jedi - The Rebellion #1:  This issue is...not good.  It's unfortunate, too, because the plot had potential if Segura had more time to develop it.  

The Alliance gets word someone is going to assassinate Mon Mothma, but, like the selfless leader she is, she insists on still meeting a contact on her own to get intelligence he claims he has.  Admiral Ackbar taps Shara Bey and Kes Dameron to try to get more information about the plot, and their quest sends them to the location where Mon Mothma is meeting her contact.  They arrive just in time for their ship's noise to distract the assassin.

Despite the story's potential, it has numerous holes.  First, Shara and Kes spend all their time trying to get the location of the hit, despite the fact that we all know where Mon Mothma is going.  Second, it seems unlikely the Alliance would send two pilots, and not a seasoned counterintelligence operative, after the information.  It's one of my main complaints about the current era of Star Wars comics, that they're relying too heavily on existing characters.  We had an opportunity here to meet a new character, like Tala Durith from the "Obi-Wan Kenobi" TV show, but Seguara didn't take it.

It also doesn't help that the book is loaded with speech bubbles, another sign it probably should've been a miniseries.

In other words, unless you feel the need to collect all these issues, you can skip this one.

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