Friday, June 14, 2024

Eight-Month-Old Comics!: The September 20 Top-Shelf Edition (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Pathfinder:  Wake the Dead #3:  This issue is fun.

The party (since they aren't really a team) is wandering the Spellscar desert searching for water but deal with the random encounters (water that becomes candy that becomes beetles!) and adversaries (a fluxwraith!  a zombie triceratops!) that the wild magic-cursed desert throws at them.  In a plot twist I didn't see coming, they find Gabsalia's body along with the other refugees' bodies.  She's been dead a week, which means the curse the Gebbians put on her that'll reanimate her as a quick has taken effect.  

Nyctessa informs the party that the only way to turn a quick into a more intelligible undead form is to take her to Geb, where more advanced magics are available.  Lem is *thrilled* with this news.

Star Wars:  Bounty Hunters #38:  Holy shit, this issue.  Sacks has us following three stories here, all as intense as the next.

First, in the past, General Grievous pays a visit to the Haven.  Kligson tries to convince Telemark to ally with the Separatists, but he silences him as he's only an organic.  Telemark dismisses Grievous' offer of an alliance, noting that Grievous enslaves his droids.  (We get some great B1 humor at this remark.)  Telling Grievous they only await Ajax's return, Telemark orders the colony to attack.

In the present, T'onga and company are growing impatient as they cool their jets in the docking bay.  Meanwhile, we learn Kligson is controlling Telemark completely as a shirtless (and sexy AF) Valance hangs behind him.

T'onga gets suspicious enough to ask Zuckuss and For-Elloem to gather intel from the station's droids, not realizing the Scourge has already seized them.  Zuckuss prevents a spider droid from taking over For-Elloem, and they fight their way to an escape pod.  (For-Elloem complains about his lack of a blaster and Zuckuss recommends he improvise, which he hilariously does by ripping the arm off a droid and using it to beat the others.)  Zuckuss puts For-Elloem in the escape pod to save him from the horde, and the droids lose interest in Zuckuss once For-Elloem departs.

In the docking bay, T'onga confesses that she's desperate to save Valance after failing to save her brother and Nakano Lash and sending away Losha to keep her safe.  Khel wonders why she's so loyal to this crew when she turned her back on Khel's crew, which is a story I'm also interested in hearing.  Khel dismisses her comment just as quickly, however, noting the crew that T'onga assembled could be great under the right leadership.  Do I think T'onga should retire with Losha and let Khel take over the crew?  Yes.  Do I think Losha is going to leave T'onga to go with Khel's crew?  Also yes.

Back in the past, the droids expel Grievous, and Telemark attacks Kligson for sending Grievous their coordinates.  A crazed Kligson mutters to himself after Telemark leaves that he *is* a droid and will "pave the way for a better future."

In that future, Valance arrives in the docking bay, and Khel realizes instantly that he isn't there.  Catak takes on Yura's face to distract Valance from attacking Khel (apparently the love of his life), and, in a shocking scene, Valance blows off Catak's head.

You guys, I know we only have four issues left in this series, and I'm not really sure we're going to get a happy ending.

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