Saturday, June 15, 2024

Eight-Month-Old Comics!: The September 27 Top-Shelf Edition (HERE BE SPOILERS!)

Blade Runner 2039 #7:  F-u-c-k.  

It turns out Mack wasn't any Replicant we've previously seen Ash encounter, so Johnson shows us their encounter in a flashback here.  Ash refers to Mack as "parts," making it clear how far she's come from the Ash we first met lo those many series ago.  Continuing the flashback, Ash shoots Mack point-blank in the chest, and he falls 20 stories.  She calls her urchin squad to harvest the parts (reminding them she wants her money the next day), but Mack awakens after one of the urchins cuts off his hand.

In the present, Ash convinces Mack that Isobel changed her mind about Replicants when she was trying to keep Cleo alive while Alexander wanted Cleo dead.  Mack decides to travel with Ash while Lexi stays to watch over Cleo.  He explains that, when they first met, he was trying to get to Memphis and an alleged haven for Replicants there.  He didn't find the contact, though, and he eventually decided he needed to leave Los Angeles, and the Blade Runners, behind him.  He walked until he couldn't walk anymore, and the old woman who ran the farm took him in.  When she died, she left him the farm, even though it was dried up like everything else at that point.

The pair arrive in San Francisco, which is devastated.  Mack explains that a series of large earthquakes destroyed it and the aftershocks - which continue, as he and Ash feel one - prevented its reconstruction.  Mack warns Ash not to bring with her anything she isn't willing to leave in San Francisco, but I still don't see why San Francisco is so dangerous.  I mean, we've already survived Central Valley cannibals!  At any rate, they head straight to Isobel's family estate.  There, Ash calls for Isobel, only to watch someone shoot Mack.  That someone?  Rash, who's with Luv.  Dun-dun-DUN!

Seriously, this series was on a slow burn initially, but, holy shit, Johnson is amping up the action and tension now!

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